Tuesday, March 24, 2009

If it ever gets warmer

I made this skirt out of some fabric Zach had laying around. I love my new sewing machine.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Lady Bug

I was reading this article about North American Lady Bugs dying out. I was wondering what was up with those lady bugs that had different looking spots, and it said that they were Asian lady bugs. There fine and everything, eating aphids off of plants like our all American lady bugs. But the main problem with them is that they also find our Lady Bugs to be delicious. So I came up with this painting about an impostor Lady Bug girl stomping out the North American Lady Bug. I haven't touched this paintings in months, I think I working too small. So it just looks like a wried paint by numbers.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sketch Book Faces

I really like this character. If only I could figure out how to do a graphic novel.

I like these moon face people.

This looks like a cracked out version of Elton John

I need to figure out what to do with these character.

Sketch Book Animals

Art Deco fox and dogs

Cow with funny ears

Strange Capybara like creature